Namespace DSharpPlus.Commands.ContextChecks.ParameterChecks
- ParameterCheckAttribute
Represents a base attribute for parameter check metadata attributes.
- ParameterCheckFailedData
Contains information about a failed parameter check.
- ParameterCheckInfo
Presents information about a parameter check.
- RequireHierarchyCheck
Executes the checks for requiring a hierarchical order between the bot/executor and a parameter.
- RequireHigherBotHierarchyAttribute
Instructs the extension to verify that the bot is hierarchically placed higher than the value of this parameter.
- RequireHigherUserHierarchyAttribute
Requires that the executing user is hierarchically placed higher than the value of this parameter.
- ParameterCheckMapEntry
Represents an entry in a map of attributes to check types. we can't just do this as a dictionary because one attribute may key multiple different checks.
- IParameterCheck
Marker interface for parameter checks. Use IParameterCheck<TAttribute> instead.
- IParameterCheck<TAttribute>
Represents a base interface for parameter checks to implement.