Namespace DSharpPlus.SlashCommands.Attributes
- SlashCommandCooldownBucket
Represents a cooldown bucket for commands.
- SlashCooldownAttribute
Defines a cooldown for this command. This allows you to define how many times can users execute a specific command
- SlashRequireBotPermissionsAttribute
Defines that usage of this slash command is only possible when the bot is granted a specific permission.
- SlashRequireDirectMessageAttribute
Defines that this slash command is only usable within a direct message channel.
- SlashRequireGuildAttribute
Defines that this slash command is only usable within a guild.
- SlashRequireOwnerAttribute
Defines that this slash command is restricted to the owner of the bot.
- SlashRequirePermissionsAttribute
Defines that usage of this slash command is restricted to members with specified permissions. This check also verifies that the bot has the same permissions.
- SlashRequireUserPermissionsAttribute
Defines that usage of this command is restricted to members with specified permissions.
- SlashCooldownBucketType
Defines how are command cooldowns applied.