Table of Contents

Commands Introduction

DSharpPlus.Commands is a new universal command framework designed with a "write-once, use-anywhere" mindset. Previously when developing bots with DSharpPlus, you'd have to choose between text commands through DSharpPlus.CommandsNext, or slash commands through DSharpPlus.SlashCommands. With DSharpPlus.Commands, you can have both. This framework is designed to be easy to use, and easy to extend.

Hello World

First, we're going to setup our code.

public async Task Main(string[] args)
    string discordToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DISCORD_TOKEN");
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(discordToken))
        Console.WriteLine("Error: No discord token found. Please provide a token via the DISCORD_TOKEN environment variable.");

    DiscordClientBuilder builder = DiscordClientBuilder.CreateDefault(discordToken, TextCommandProcessor.RequiredIntents | SlashCommandProcessor.RequiredIntents);

    // Use the commands extension
        // we register our commands here
        extension =>
            extension.AddCommands([typeof(MyCommand), typeof(MyOtherCommand)]);
            TextCommandProcessor textCommandProcessor = new(new()
                // The default behavior is that the bot reacts to direct mentions
                // and to the "!" prefix.
                // If you want to change it, you first set if the bot should react to mentions
                // and then you can provide as many prefixes as you want.
                PrefixResolver = new DefaultPrefixResolver(true, "?", "&").ResolvePrefixAsync

            // Add text commands with a custom prefix (?ping)
        new CommandsConfiguration()
            DebugGuildId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DEBUG_GUILD_ID") ?? 0,
            // The default value, however it's shown here for clarity
            RegisterDefaultCommandProcessors = true

    DiscordClient client = builder.Build();

    // We can specify a status for our bot. Let's set it to "playing" and set the activity to "with fire".
    DiscordActivity status = new("with fire", DiscordActivityType.Playing);

    // Now we connect and log in.
    await client.ConnectAsync(status, DiscordUserStatus.Online);

    // And now we wait infinitely so that our bot actually stays connected.
    await Task.Delay(-1);

Let's break this down a bit:

  • We use each processor's required intents to ensure that the extension receives the necessary gateway events and data to function properly.
  • We register commands explicitly through the collection-based overload. Note that this should be the preferred overload at this time, due to issues in other overloads.
  • We register the TextCommandProcessor processor with a custom prefix resolver.

What in the world is a command processor? In order to execute a command, we need to be able to parse the input. Text commands are regular old Discord messages, while slash commands are a special type of event that Discord sends to your bot. The TextCommandProcessor and SlashCommandProcessor are responsible for parsing these inputs and determining which command to execute. By default, all processors are registered with the command framework. You can add/create your own processors if you need to.

Creating A Command

Now that we have the command framework registered and configured, we can create our first command:

public class PingCommand
    public static ValueTask ExecuteAsync(CommandContext context) => context.RespondAsync($"Pong! Latency is {context.Client.Ping}ms.");

There's multiple things to note here:

  • There is no longer a BaseCommandModule class to inherit from. This is because the command framework is now attribute-based.
  • Your commands may now be static.
  • Your command return type may now be ValueTask or Task, instead of only limiting to Task.
  • By default, any response made via CommandContext will not mention any user or role - those mentions must be specified manually by using a DiscordMessageBuilder.

Now start your Discord client, and type !ping in a text channel. Your bot should respond with "Pong! Latency is {Number}ms."

Ping command demonstration via text commands and slash commands.

Creating a Group Command

Creating a group command isn't much different:

public class MathCommands
    public static ValueTask AddAsync(CommandContext context, int a, int b) => context.RespondAsync($"{a} + {b} = {a + b}");

    public static ValueTask SubtractAsync(CommandContext context, int a, int b) => context.RespondAsync($"{a} - {b} = {a - b}");

You can invoke these commands by typing !math add 5 3 or !math subtract 5 3 in a text channel.