Table of Contents

Class DiscordRestClient

public class DiscordRestClient : BaseDiscordClient
Inherited Members


DiscordRestClient(RestClientOptions, string, TokenType, ILogger?)



Gets the dictionary of guilds cached by this client.



AddGuildMemberAsync(ulong, ulong, string, string, IEnumerable<ulong>, bool, bool)

Adds a member to a guild

AddGuildMemberRoleAsync(ulong, ulong, ulong, string)

Add role to guild member

AddThreadMemberAsync(ulong, ulong)

Adds a member to a thread.

BatchEditApplicationCommandPermissionsAsync(ulong, IEnumerable<DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermissions>)

Batch edits permissions for a application command in a guild.

BeginGuildPruneAsync(ulong, int, bool, IEnumerable<ulong>, string)

Begins a guild prune.


Overwrites the existing global application commands. New commands are automatically created and missing commands are automatically deleted.

BulkOverwriteGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(ulong, IEnumerable<DiscordApplicationCommand>)

Overwrites the existing application commands in a guild. New commands are automatically created and missing commands are automatically deleted.

CreateChannelInviteAsync(ulong, int, int, bool, bool, string, DiscordInviteTargetType?, ulong?, ulong?)

Creates a channel invite


Creates a DM

CreateEmojiAsync(ulong, string, Stream, IEnumerable<ulong>, string)

Creates an emoji in a guild.

CreateFollowupMessageAsync(string, DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder)

Creates a follow up message to an interaction.


Creates or overwrites a global application command.

CreateGroupDmAsync(IEnumerable<string>, IDictionary<ulong, string>)

Creates a group DM

CreateGroupDmWithCurrentUserAsync(IEnumerable<string>, IDictionary<ulong, string>)

Creates a group DM with current user

CreateGuildApplicationCommandAsync(ulong, DiscordApplicationCommand)

Creates or overwrites a guild application command.

CreateGuildAsync(string, string, string, DiscordVerificationLevel?, DiscordDefaultMessageNotifications?, DiscordSystemChannelFlags?)

Creates a new guild

CreateGuildBanAsync(ulong, ulong, int, string)

Creates guild ban

CreateGuildBansAsync(ulong, IEnumerable<ulong>, int, string)

Creates multiple guild bans

CreateGuildChannelAsync(ulong, string, DiscordChannelType, ulong?, Optional<string>, int?, int?, IEnumerable<DiscordOverwriteBuilder>, bool?, Optional<int?>, DiscordVideoQualityMode?, int?, string, DiscordAutoArchiveDuration?, DefaultReaction?, IEnumerable<DiscordForumTagBuilder>, DiscordDefaultSortOrder?)

Creates a guild channel

CreateGuildFromTemplateAsync(string, string, string)

Creates a guild from a template. This requires the bot to be in less than 10 guilds total.

CreateGuildIntegrationAsync(ulong, string, ulong)

Creates guild integration

CreateGuildRoleAsync(ulong, string, DiscordPermissions?, int?, bool?, bool?, string, Stream, DiscordEmoji)

Creates a new role

CreateGuildStickerAsync(ulong, string, string, string, Stream, DiscordStickerFormat, string)

Creates a sticker in a guild.

CreateGuildTemplateAsync(ulong, string, string)

Creates a guild template.

CreateInteractionResponseAsync(ulong, string, DiscordInteractionResponseType, DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder)

Creates a response to an interaction.

CreateMessageAsync(ulong, DiscordEmbed)

Sends a message

CreateMessageAsync(ulong, DiscordMessageBuilder)

Sends a message

CreateMessageAsync(ulong, Action<DiscordMessageBuilder>)

Sends a message

CreateMessageAsync(ulong, string)

Sends a message

CreateMessageAsync(ulong, string, DiscordEmbed)

Sends a message

CreateReactionAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Creates a new reaction

CreateScheduledGuildEventAsync(ulong, string, string, ulong?, DiscordScheduledGuildEventType, DiscordScheduledGuildEventPrivacyLevel, DateTimeOffset, DateTimeOffset?, Stream?, string)

Creates a new scheduled guild event.

CreateStageInstanceAsync(ulong, string, DiscordStagePrivacyLevel?, string)

Creates a stage instance in a stage channel.

CreateThreadAsync(ulong, string, DiscordAutoArchiveDuration, DiscordChannelType, string)

Creates a thread.

CreateThreadFromMessageAsync(ulong, ulong, string, DiscordAutoArchiveDuration, string)

Creates a thread from a message.

CreateWebhookAsync(ulong, string, Stream, string)

Creates a new webhook

CreateWebhookAsync(ulong, string, string, string)

Creates a new webhook

CrosspostMessageAsync(ulong, ulong)

Publishes a message in a news channel to following channels

DeleteAllReactionsAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes all reactions from a message

DeleteChannelAsync(ulong, string)

Deletes a channel

DeleteChannelPermissionAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes channel overwrite

DeleteFollowupMessageAsync(string, ulong)

Deletes a follow up message.


Deletes a global application command.

DeleteGuildApplicationCommandAsync(ulong, ulong)

Deletes a application command in a guild.


Deletes a guild

DeleteGuildEmojiAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes a guild's emoji.

DeleteGuildIntegrationAsync(ulong, DiscordIntegration, string)

Removes a guild integration

DeleteGuildRoleAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes a role

DeleteGuildStickerAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes a sticker in a guild.

DeleteGuildTemplateAsync(ulong, string)

Deletes the template.

DeleteInviteAsync(string, string)

Removes an invite

DeleteMessageAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes a message

DeleteMessagesAsync(ulong, IEnumerable<ulong>, string)

Deletes multiple messages


Deletes the original interaction response.

The token of the interaction.
DeleteOwnReactionAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes own reaction

DeleteReactionsEmojiAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Deletes all reactions of a specific reaction for a message.

DeleteScheduledGuildEventAsync(ulong, ulong)

Delete a scheduled guild event.

DeleteStageInstanceAsync(ulong, string)

Deletes a stage instance in a stage channel.

DeleteUserReactionAsync(ulong, ulong, ulong, string, string)

Deletes someone elses reaction

DeleteWebhookAsync(ulong, string)

Deletes a webhook

DeleteWebhookAsync(ulong, string, string)

Deletes a webhook (when user is not in said guild)

DeleteWebhookMessageAsync(ulong, string, ulong)

Deletes a message that was created by a webhook.


Disposes this client.

EditApplicationCommandPermissionsAsync(ulong, ulong, IEnumerable<DiscordApplicationCommandPermission>)

Edits permissions for a application command in a guild.

EditChannelPermissionsAsync(ulong, ulong, DiscordPermissions, DiscordPermissions, string, string)

Edits channel overwrite

EditFollowupMessageAsync(string, ulong, DiscordWebhookBuilder, IEnumerable<DiscordAttachment>)

Edits a follow up message.

EditGlobalApplicationCommandAsync(ulong, Action<ApplicationCommandEditModel>)

Edits a global application command.

EditGuildApplicationCommandAsync(ulong, ulong, Action<ApplicationCommandEditModel>)

Edits a application command in a guild.

EditMessageAsync(ulong, ulong, DiscordMessageBuilder, bool, IEnumerable<DiscordAttachment>)

Edits a message

EditMessageAsync(ulong, ulong, Optional<DiscordEmbed>)

Edits a message

EditMessageAsync(ulong, ulong, Optional<string>)

Edits a message

EditOriginalInteractionResponseAsync(string, DiscordWebhookBuilder, IEnumerable<DiscordAttachment>)

Edits the original interaction response.

EditWebhookMessageAsync(ulong, string, ulong, DiscordWebhookBuilder, IEnumerable<DiscordAttachment>)

Edits a previously-sent webhook message.

ExecuteWebhookAsync(ulong, string, DiscordWebhookBuilder)

Sends a message to a webhook

FollowChannelAsync(ulong, ulong)

Follows a news channel


Gets assets from an application


Gets a channel object


Gets a channel's invites

GetChannelMessageAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets a message from a channel

GetChannelMessagesAsync(ulong, int, ulong?, ulong?, ulong?)

Gets messages from a channel


Gets all webhooks from a channel


Gets current user object


Gets the guild member for the current user in the specified guild. Only works with bearer tokens with the scope.

GetCurrentUserGuildsAsync(int, ulong?, ulong?)

Gets current user's guilds

GetFollowupMessageAsync(string, ulong)

Gets a global application command by its ID.


Gets all the global application commands for this application.

GetGuildApplicationCommandAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets a application command in a guild by its ID.

GetGuildApplicationCommandPermissionsAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets permissions for a application command in a guild.


Gets all the application commands for a guild.


Gets all application command permissions in a guild.

GetGuildAsync(ulong, bool?)

Gets a guild.

GetGuildBanAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets the ban of the specified user. Requires Ban Members permission.

GetGuildBansAsync(ulong, int?, ulong?, ulong?)

Gets guild bans.


Gets channels from a guild

GetGuildEmojiAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets a guild emoji.


Gets a guild's emojis.


Gets guild integrations


Get a guild's invites

GetGuildMemberAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets guild member


Gets a guild's membership screening form.


Gets a guild preview.

GetGuildPruneCountAsync(ulong, int, IEnumerable<ulong>)

Get a guild's prune count.


Gets roles

GetGuildStickerAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets a sticker from a guild.


Gets a list of stickers from a guild.


Gets a guild's templates.


Gets a guild's vanity url


Get a guild's voice region


Gets all webhooks from a guild


Gets a guild's welcome screen.


Gets a guild's widget


Gets a guild's widget settings

GetInviteAsync(string, bool?, bool?)

Gets an invite.

GetMessageAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets message in a channel


Gets the original interaction response.


Gets pinned messages

GetReactionsAsync(ulong, ulong, DiscordEmoji, ulong?, int)

Gets all users that reacted with a specific emoji to a message

GetReactionsAsync(ulong, ulong, string, ulong?, int)

Gets all users that reacted with a specific emoji to a message

GetScheduledGuildEventAsync(ulong, ulong)

Gets a specific scheduled guild event.

GetScheduledGuildEventUsersAsync(ulong, ulong, int, ulong?, ulong?)

Gets the users interested in the guild event.


Gets all available scheduled guild events.


Gets a stage instance in a stage channel.


Gets a sticker by its ID.


Gets a collection of sticker packs that may be used by nitro users.


Gets a guild template by the code.


Gets user object


Gets current user's connections


Gets a webhook

GetWebhookWithTokenAsync(ulong, string)

Gets a webhook with its token (when user is not in said guild)

GroupDmAddRecipientAsync(ulong, ulong, string, string)

Adds a member to a group DM

GroupDmRemoveRecipientAsync(ulong, ulong)

Removes a member from a group DM


Initializes cache

JoinGroupDmAsync(ulong, string)

Joins a group DM


Joins a thread.


Leaves a group DM


Leaves a guild


Leaves a thread.


Lists the active threads of a guild.

ListGuildMembersAsync(ulong, int?, ulong?)

Gets all guild members

ListJoinedPrivateArchivedThreadsAsync(ulong, ulong, DateTimeOffset?, int)

Gets the private archived threads the user has joined for a channel.

ListPrivateArchivedThreadAsync(ulong, ulong, DateTimeOffset?, int)

Gets the threads that are public and archived for a channel.

ListPublicArchivedThreadsAsync(ulong, ulong, DateTimeOffset?, int)

Gets the threads that are public and archived for a channel.


Lists the members of a thread.

ModifyAsync(ulong, ulong, Action<MemberEditModel>)

Modifies a member

ModifyChannelAsync(ulong, Action<ChannelEditModel>)

Modifies a channel

ModifyChannelAsync(ulong, string, int?, Optional<string>, bool?, Optional<ulong?>, int?, int?, Optional<int?>, Optional<DiscordVoiceRegion>, DiscordVideoQualityMode?, Optional<DiscordChannelType>, IEnumerable<DiscordOverwriteBuilder>, string, Optional<DiscordChannelFlags>, IEnumerable<DiscordForumTagBuilder>?, Optional<DiscordAutoArchiveDuration?>, Optional<DefaultReaction?>, Optional<int>, Optional<DiscordDefaultSortOrder?>, Optional<DiscordDefaultForumLayout>)

Modifies a channel

ModifyCurrentMemberAsync(ulong, string, string)

Changes the current user in a guild.

ModifyCurrentUserAsync(string, Stream?, Stream?)

Modifies current user

ModifyCurrentUserAsync(string, string, string)

Modifies current user

ModifyEmbedSuppressionAsync(ulong, ulong, bool)

Modifies the visibility of embeds in a message.

ModifyGuildAsync(ulong, Optional<string>, Optional<string>, Optional<DiscordVerificationLevel>, Optional<DiscordDefaultMessageNotifications>, Optional<DiscordMfaLevel>, Optional<DiscordExplicitContentFilter>, Optional<ulong?>, Optional<int>, Optional<string>, Optional<ulong>, Optional<string>, Optional<ulong?>, Optional<string>, Optional<string>, Optional<string>, Optional<IEnumerable<string>>, Optional<string>, Optional<ulong?>, Optional<ulong?>, Optional<DiscordSystemChannelFlags>, string)

Modifies a guild

ModifyGuildAsync(ulong, Action<GuildEditModel>)

Modifies a guild

ModifyGuildEmojiAsync(ulong, ulong, string, IEnumerable<ulong>, string)

Modifies a guild's emoji.

ModifyGuildIntegrationAsync(ulong, ulong, int, int, bool)

Modifies a guild integration

ModifyGuildMemberAsync(ulong, ulong, Optional<string>, Optional<IEnumerable<ulong>>, Optional<bool>, Optional<bool>, Optional<ulong?>, Optional<DateTimeOffset?>, Optional<DiscordMemberFlags>, string)

Modifies guild member.

ModifyGuildMembershipScreeningFormAsync(ulong, Action<MembershipScreeningEditModel>)

Modifies a guild's membership screening form.

ModifyGuildRoleAsync(ulong, ulong, Action<RoleEditModel>)

Modifies a role

ModifyGuildRoleAsync(ulong, ulong, string, DiscordPermissions?, DiscordColor?, bool?, bool?, string, Stream, DiscordEmoji)

Modifies a role

ModifyGuildStickerAsync(ulong, ulong, Action<StickerEditModel>, string)

Modifies a sticker in a guild.

ModifyGuildTemplateAsync(ulong, string, string, string)

Modifies the template's metadata.

ModifyGuildWelcomeScreenAsync(ulong, Action<WelcomeScreenEditModel>, string)

Modifies a guild's welcome screen.

ModifyGuildWidgetSettingsAsync(ulong, bool?, ulong?, string)

Modifies a guild's widget settings

ModifyScheduledGuildEventAsync(ulong, ulong, Action<ScheduledGuildEventEditModel>)

Modify a scheduled guild event.

ModifyStageInstanceAsync(ulong, Action<StageInstanceEditModel>)

Modifies a stage instance in a stage channel.

ModifyWebhookAsync(ulong, string, Stream, string, string)

Modifies a webhook (when user is not in said guild)

ModifyWebhookAsync(ulong, string, string, string, string)

Modifies a webhook (when user is not in said guild)

ModifyWebhookAsync(ulong, ulong, string, Stream, string)

Modifies a webhook

ModifyWebhookAsync(ulong, ulong, string, string, string)

Modifies a webhook

PinMessageAsync(ulong, ulong)

Pins a message.

RemoveGuildBanAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Removes a guild ban

RemoveGuildMemberAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Removes guild member

RemoveGuildMemberRoleAsync(ulong, ulong, ulong, string)

Remove role from member

RemoveThreadMemberAsync(ulong, ulong)

Removes a member from a thread.

SearchMembersAsync(ulong, string, int?)

Searches the given guild for members who's display name start with the specified name.

SyncGuildIntegrationAsync(ulong, ulong)

Syncs guild integration

SyncGuildTemplateAsync(ulong, string)

Syncs the template to the current guild's state.


Send a typing indicator to a channel

UnpinMessageAsync(ulong, ulong)

Unpins a message

UpdateChannelPositionAsync(ulong, ulong, int, string, bool?, ulong?)

Updates a channel's position

UpdateCurrentUserVoiceStateAsync(ulong, ulong, bool?, DateTimeOffset?)

Updates the current user's suppress state in a stage channel.

UpdateRolePositionAsync(ulong, ulong, string)

Updates a role's position

UpdateUserVoiceStateAsync(ulong, ulong, ulong, bool?)

Updates a member's suppress state in a stage channel.