Namespace DSharpPlus
- BaseDiscordClient
Represents a common base for various Discord client implementations.
- DefaultClientErrorHandler
Represents the default implementation of IClientErrorHandler
- DiscordClient
A Discord API wrapper.
- DiscordClientBuilder
Enables building a DiscordClient from complex configuration, registering extensions and fine-tuning behavioural aspects.
- DiscordConfiguration
Represents configuration for DiscordClient.
- DiscordWebhookClient
Represents a webhook-only client. This client can be used to execute Discord webhooks.
- EventHandlerCollection
Contains an in-construction, mutable, list of event handlers filtered by event name.
- EventHandlingBuilder
Provides an API for configuring delegate-based event handlers for your application.
- Formatter
Contains markdown formatting helpers.
- InlineMediaTool
Tool to detect image formats and convert from binary data to base64 strings.
- LoggerEvents
Contains well-defined event IDs used by core of DSharpPlus.
- TokenContainer
Holds a delegate to obtain a token to initialize the application with.
- Utilities
Various Discord-related utilities.
- IClientErrorHandler
Represents a contract for handling errors the DSharpPlus core library may raise.
- IEventHandler<TEventArgs>
Represents a base interface for an event handler.
- AnsiColor
A list of ansi colors supported by Discord.
- DiscordIntents
Represents gateway intents to be specified for connecting to Discord.
- DiscordSelectDefaultValueType
Type of a default value for a select component.
- MediaFormat
Represents format of an inline media item.
- TimestampFormat
Denotes the type of formatting to use for timestamps.
- TokenType
Token type