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Method SendPaginatedResponseAsync


SendPaginatedResponseAsync(DiscordInteraction, bool, DiscordUser, IEnumerable<Page>, PaginationButtons, PaginationBehaviour?, ButtonPaginationBehavior?, ButtonDisableBehavior, List<PaginationButtonType>, CancellationToken)

Sends a paginated message in response to an interaction.

Pass the interaction directly. Interactivity will ACK it.

public Task SendPaginatedResponseAsync(DiscordInteraction interaction, bool ephemeral, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable<Page> pages, PaginationButtons buttons = null, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = null, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = null, ButtonDisableBehavior disableBehavior = ButtonDisableBehavior.Disable, List<PaginationButtonType> disabledButtons = null, CancellationToken token = default)


interaction DiscordInteraction

The interaction to create a response to.

ephemeral bool

Whether the response should be ephemeral.

user DiscordUser

The user to listen for button presses from.

pages IEnumerable<Page>

The pages to paginate.

buttons PaginationButtons

Optional: custom buttons

behaviour PaginationBehaviour?

Pagination behaviour.

deletion ButtonPaginationBehavior?

Deletion behaviour

disableBehavior ButtonDisableBehavior

Whether to disable or remove the buttons if there is only one page

disabledButtons List<PaginationButtonType>

Disabled buttons

token CancellationToken

A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point.

