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Enum TrackEndReason


Represents a reason why a track finished playing.

public enum TrackEndReason
Extension Methods


The track was stopped because the cleanup threshold for the audio player was reached. This triggers when the amount of time passed since the last call to AudioPlayer#provide() has reached the threshold specified in player manager configuration. This may also indicate either a leaked audio player which was discarded, but not stopped.

This means that the track itself emitted a terminator. This is usually caused by the track reaching the end, however it will also be used when it ends due to an exception.

This means that the track failed to start, throwing an exception before providing any audio.

The track stopped playing because a new track started playing. Note that with this reason, the old track will still play until either its buffer runs out or audio from the new track is available.

The track was stopped due to the player being stopped by either calling stop() or playTrack(null).