Table of Contents

Enum GatewayOpCode


Specifies an OP code in a gateway payload.

public enum GatewayOpCode
Extension Methods


Dispatch = 0

Used for dispatching events.

GuildSync = 12

Used to request guild synchronization.

Heartbeat = 1

Used for pinging the gateway or client, to ensure the connection is still alive.

HeartbeatAck = 11

Used to acknowledge a heartbeat.

Hello = 10

Used by the gateway upon connecting.

Identify = 2

Used for initial handshake with the gateway.

InvalidSession = 9

Used to notify the client about an invalidated session.

Reconnect = 7

Used to notify the client that it has to reconnect.

RequestGuildMembers = 8

Used to request guild members.

Resume = 6

Used to resume a closed connection.

StatusUpdate = 3

Used to update client status.

VoiceServerPing = 5

Used for pinging the voice gateway or client, to ensure the connection is still alive.

VoiceStateUpdate = 4

Used to update voice state, when joining, leaving, or moving between voice channels.