Table of Contents

Method CreateTestEntitlementAsync


CreateTestEntitlementAsync(ulong, ulong, DiscordTestEntitlementOwnerType)

Creates a test entitlement for a user or guild

public ValueTask<DiscordEntitlement> CreateTestEntitlementAsync(ulong skuId, ulong ownerId, DiscordTestEntitlementOwnerType ownerType)


skuId ulong

The id of the sku the entitlement belongs to

ownerId ulong

The id of the entity which should recieve this entitlement

ownerType DiscordTestEntitlementOwnerType

The type of the entity which should recieve this entitlement



The created entitlement


This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity. After creating a test entitlement, you'll need to reload your Discord client. After doing so, you'll see that your server or user now has premium access.

CreateTestEntitlementAsync(DiscordStockKeepingUnit, ulong, DiscordTestEntitlementOwnerType)

Creates a test entitlement for a user or guild

public ValueTask<DiscordEntitlement> CreateTestEntitlementAsync(DiscordStockKeepingUnit sku, ulong ownerId, DiscordTestEntitlementOwnerType ownerType)


sku DiscordStockKeepingUnit

The sku the entitlement belongs to

ownerId ulong

The id of the entity which should recieve this entitlement

ownerType DiscordTestEntitlementOwnerType

The type of the entity which should recieve this entitlement



The created entitlement


This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity. After creating a test entitlement, you'll need to reload your Discord client. After doing so, you'll see that your server or user now has premium access.

CreateTestEntitlementAsync(ulong, DiscordUser)

Creates a test entitlement for a user or guild

public ValueTask<DiscordEntitlement> CreateTestEntitlementAsync(ulong skuId, DiscordUser user)


skuId ulong

The id of the sku the entitlement belongs to

user DiscordUser

The user which should recieve this entitlement



The created entitlement


This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity. After creating a test entitlement, you'll need to reload your Discord client. After doing so, you'll see that your server or user now has premium access.

CreateTestEntitlementAsync(ulong, DiscordGuild)

Creates a test entitlement for a user or guild

public ValueTask<DiscordEntitlement> CreateTestEntitlementAsync(ulong skuId, DiscordGuild guild)


skuId ulong

The id of the sku the entitlement belongs to

guild DiscordGuild

The guild which should recieve this entitlement



The created entitlement


This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity. After creating a test entitlement, you'll need to reload your Discord client. After doing so, you'll see that your server or user now has premium access.

CreateTestEntitlementAsync(DiscordStockKeepingUnit, DiscordUser)

Creates a test entitlement for a user or guild

public ValueTask<DiscordEntitlement> CreateTestEntitlementAsync(DiscordStockKeepingUnit sku, DiscordUser user)


sku DiscordStockKeepingUnit

The sku the entitlement belongs to

user DiscordUser

The user which should recieve this entitlement



The created entitlement


This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity. After creating a test entitlement, you'll need to reload your Discord client. After doing so, you'll see that your server or user now has premium access.

CreateTestEntitlementAsync(DiscordStockKeepingUnit, DiscordGuild)

Creates a test entitlement for a user or guild

public ValueTask<DiscordEntitlement> CreateTestEntitlementAsync(DiscordStockKeepingUnit sku, DiscordGuild guild)


sku DiscordStockKeepingUnit

The sku the entitlement belongs to

guild DiscordGuild

The guild which should recieve this entitlement



The created entitlement


This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity. After creating a test entitlement, you'll need to reload your Discord client. After doing so, you'll see that your server or user now has premium access.