Namespace DSharpPlus.Entities
- BaseDiscordMessageBuilder<T>
An abstraction for the different message builders in DSharpPlus.
- BaseDiscordSelectComponent
Represents a base class for all select-menus.
- DefaultReaction
Represents an emoji used for reacting to a forum post.
- DiscordActionRowComponent
Represents a row of components. Action rows can have up to five components.
- DiscordActivity
Represents a game that a user is playing.
- DiscordApplication
Represents an OAuth2 application.
- DiscordApplicationAsset
Represents an asset for an OAuth2 application.
- DiscordApplicationCommand
Represents a command that is registered to an application.
- DiscordApplicationCommandOption
Represents a parameter for a DiscordApplicationCommand.
- DiscordApplicationCommandOptionChoice
Represents a choice for a DiscordApplicationCommandOption parameter.
- DiscordApplicationCommandPermission
Represents a permission for a application command.
- DiscordApplicationIntegrationTypeConfiguration
Represents the configuration for an integration type.
- DiscordApplicationOAuth2InstallParams
Represents the default installation configuration for an integration.
- DiscordAttachment
Represents an attachment for a message.
- DiscordAutoCompleteChoice
Represents an option for a user to select for auto-completion.
- DiscordAutoModerationAction
Represents a Discord auto moderation action.
- DiscordAutoModerationActionBuilder
Constructs auto-moderation actions.
- DiscordAutoModerationActionExecution
Represents a Discord rule executed action.
- DiscordAutoModerationRule
Represents a Discord auto-moderation rule.
- DiscordBan
Represents a Discord ban
- DiscordBulkBan
Result of a bulk ban. Contains the ids of users that were successfully banned and the ids of users that failed to be banned.
- DiscordButtonComponent
Represents a button that can be pressed. Fires ComponentInteractionCreatedEventArgs when pressed.
- DiscordChannel
Represents a discord channel.
- DiscordComponent
A component to attach to a message.
- DiscordComponentEmoji
Represents an emoji to add to a component.
- DiscordConnection
Gets a Discord connection to a 3rd party service.
- DiscordCustomStatus
Represents details for a custom status activity, attached to a DiscordActivity.
- DiscordDmChannel
Represents a discord channel.
- DiscordEmbed
Represents a discord embed.
- DiscordEmbedAuthor
Gets the author of a discord embed.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder
Constructs embeds.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedAuthor
Represents an embed author.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter
Represents an embed footer.
- DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedThumbnail
Represents an embed thumbnail.
- DiscordEmbedField
Represents a field inside a discord embed.
- DiscordEmbedFooter
Represents a footer in an embed.
- DiscordEmbedImage
Represents an image in an embed.
- DiscordEmbedProvider
Represents an embed provider.
- DiscordEmbedThumbnail
Represents a thumbnail in an embed.
- DiscordEmbedVideo
Represents a video inside an embed.
- DiscordEmoji
Represents a Discord emoji.
- DiscordEntitlement
Entitlement owned by a user or guild
- DiscordFollowedChannel
Represents a followed channel.
- DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder
Constructs a followup message to an interaction.
- DiscordForumChannel
Represents either a forum channel or a post in the forum.
- DiscordForumPostStarter
Represents the return of creating a forum post.
- DiscordGuild
Represents a Discord guild.
- DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermissions
Represents the guild permissions for a application command.
- DiscordGuildEmbed
Represents a Discord guild widget.
- DiscordGuildMembershipScreening
Represents a guild's membership screening form.
- DiscordGuildMembershipScreeningField
Represents a field in a guild's membership screening form
- DiscordGuildPreview
Represents a guild preview.
- DiscordGuildWelcomeScreen
Represents a discord welcome screen object.
- DiscordGuildWelcomeScreenChannel
Represents a channel in a welcome screen
- DiscordIntegration
Represents a Discord integration. These appear on the profile as linked 3rd party accounts.
- DiscordIntegrationAccount
Represents a Discord integration account.
- DiscordInteraction
Represents an interaction that was invoked.
- DiscordInteractionData
Represents the inner data payload of a DiscordInteraction.
- DiscordInteractionDataOption
Represents parameters for interaction commands.
- DiscordInteractionResolvedCollection
Represents a collection of Discord snowflake objects resolved from interaction arguments.
- DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder
Constructs an interaction response.
- DiscordInvite
Represents a Discord invite.
- DiscordInviteChannel
Represents the channel to which an invite is linked.
- DiscordInviteGuild
Represents a guild to which the user is invited.
- DiscordLinkButtonComponent
Represents a link button. Clicking a link button does not send an interaction.
- DiscordMember
Represents a Discord guild member.
- DiscordMessage
Represents a Discord text message.
- DiscordMessageActivity
Represents a Rich Presence activity.
- DiscordMessageApplication
Represents a Rich Presence application.
- DiscordMessageBuilder
Constructs a Message to be sent.
- DiscordMessageInteraction
Represents the message interaction data sent when a message is an interaction response.
- DiscordMessageReference
Represents data from the original message.
- DiscordMessageSnapshot
Represents a Discord message snapshot.
- DiscordMessageSnapshotContent
Represents a Discord text message snapshot.
- DiscordMessageSticker
Represents a Discord Sticker.
- DiscordMessageStickerPack
Represents a Discord message sticker pack.
- DiscordOverwrite
Represents a permission overwrite for a channel.
- DiscordOverwriteBuilder
Represents a Discord permission overwrite builder.
- DiscordPartialChannel
A partial channel object
- DiscordPermissionExtensions
Extension methods for DiscordPermission
- DiscordPollAnswer
Represents an answer to a poll.
- DiscordPollAnswerCount
Gets a count of a poll answer.
- DiscordPollBuilder
Represents a builder for DiscordPolls.
- DiscordPollMedia
Represents media for a poll. It is the backplane for poll options.
- DiscordPollVoteUpdate
Represents an update for a poll vote.
- DiscordPresence
Represents a user presence.
- DiscordReaction
Represents a reaction to a message.
- DiscordRichPresence
Represents details for Discord rich presence, attached to a DiscordActivity.
- DiscordRole
Represents a discord role, to which users can be assigned.
- DiscordRoleTags
Represents a discord role tags.
- DiscordRuleActionMetadata
Represents a Discord rule action metadata.
- DiscordRuleTriggerMetadata
Represents metadata about the triggering of a Discord rule.
- DiscordScheduledGuildEvent
A scheduled event on a guild, which notifies all people that are interested in it.
- DiscordScheduledGuildEventMetadata
Metadata for a DiscordScheduledGuildEvent.
- DiscordSelectComponent
A select menu with multiple options to choose from.
- DiscordSelectComponentOption
Represents options for DiscordSelectComponent.
- DiscordStageInstance
Represents a discord stage instance.
- DiscordStageInvite
Represents an invite to a stage channel.
- DiscordStockKeepingUnit
SKUs (stock-keeping units) in Discord represent premium offerings that can be made available to your application's users or guilds.
- DiscordTeam
Represents a team consisting of users. A team can own an application.
- DiscordTeamMember
Represents a member of DiscordTeam.
- DiscordTextInputComponent
A text-input field. Like selects, this can only be used once per action row.
- DiscordThreadChannel
Represents a Discord thread in a channel.
- DiscordUser
Represents a Discord user.
- DiscordUserSelectComponent
A select component that allows users to be selected.
- DiscordVoiceRegion
Represents information about a Discord voice server region.
- DiscordVoiceState
Represents a Discord voice state.
- DiscordWebhook
Represents information about a Discord webhook.
- DiscordWebhookBuilder
Constructs ready-to-send webhook requests.
- DiscordWidget
Represents a Discord guild's widget.
- DiscordWidgetMember
Represents a member within a Discord guild's widget.
- DiscordWidgetSettings
Represents a Discord guild's widget settings.
- ForumPostBuilder
A builder to create a forum post.
- Mentions
Contains static instances of common mention patterns.
- Optional
Helper methods for instantiating an Optional<T>.
- SnowflakeObject
Represents an object in Discord API.
- DiscordColor
Represents a color used in Discord API.
- DiscordMessageFile
Represents files that should be sent to Discord as part of a DiscordMessageBuilder.
- DiscordPermissions
Represents a set of Discord permissions.
- DiscordPermissions.DiscordPermissionEnumerable
Presents a slim enumerable wrapper around a set of permissions.
- DiscordPermissions.DiscordPermissionEnumerator
Represents an enumerator for permission fields within a permission set.
- EveryoneMention
Allows @everyone and @here pings to mention in the message.
- Optional<T>
Represents a wrapper which may or may not have a value.
- RepliedUserMention
Allows a reply to ping the user being replied to.
- RoleMention
Allows @role pings to mention in the message.
- UserMention
Allows @user pings to mention in the message.
- IDiscordMessageBuilder
Base interface for any discord message builder.
- IMention
Interface for mentionables
- AddFileOptions
Additional flags for files added to a message builder.
- DiscordActivityType
Determines the type of a user activity.
- DiscordApplicationAssetType
Determines the type of the asset attached to the application.
- DiscordApplicationCommandOptionType
Represents the type of parameter when invoking an interaction.
- DiscordApplicationCommandType
Represents the type of a DiscordApplicationCommand.
- DiscordApplicationFlags
Represents flags for a discord application.
- DiscordApplicationIntegrationType
Represents the type of integration for an application.
- DiscordApplicationUpdateType
Defines the type of entity that was updated.
- DiscordAutoArchiveDuration
Represents the duration in minutes to automatically archive a thread after recent activity.
- DiscordButtonStyle
Represents a button's style/color.
- DiscordChannelType
Represents a channel's type.
- DiscordComponentType
Represents a type of component.
- DiscordDefaultForumLayout
The layout type for forum channels.
- DiscordDefaultMessageNotifications
Represents default notification level for a guild.
- DiscordDefaultSortOrder
The sort order for forum channels.
- DiscordEntitlementType
Type of Entitlement
- DiscordExplicitContentFilter
Represents the value of explicit content filter in a guild.
- DiscordInteractionContextType
Represents the type of context in which an interaction was created.
- DiscordInteractionResponseState
Represents the state of an interaction regarding responding.
- DiscordInteractionResponseType
Represents the type of interaction response
- DiscordInteractionType
Represents the type of interaction used.
- DiscordInviteTargetType
Represents the application an invite is for.
- DiscordMemberFlags
Represents additional details of a guild member.
- DiscordMembershipScreeningFieldType
Represents a membership screening field type
- DiscordMentionType
Type of mention being made
- DiscordMessageActivityType
Indicates the type of MessageActivity for the Rich Presence.
- DiscordMessageFlags
Represents additional features of a message.
- DiscordMessageReferenceType
Represents the type of a message reference.
- DiscordMessageType
Represents the type of a message.
- DiscordMfaLevel
Represents multi-factor authentication level required by a guild to use administrator functionality.
- DiscordNsfwLevel
Represents a server's content level.
- DiscordOAuthScope
Represents the possible OAuth scopes for application authorization.
- DiscordOverwriteType
Represents a channel permissions overwrite's type.
- DiscordPermission
Represents a single discord permission.
- DiscordPermissionLevel
Specifies whether a permission in an overwrite is allowed, denied or unset.
- DiscordPollLayoutType
Represents the layout type of DiscordPoll.
- DiscordPremiumTier
Represents a server's premium tier.
- DiscordPremiumType
The type of Nitro subscription on a user's account.
- DiscordRuleActionType
Contains all actions that can be taken after a rule activation.
- DiscordRuleEventType
Indicates in what event context a rule should be checked.
- DiscordRuleKeywordPresetType
Characterizes which type of category a blocked word belongs to.
- DiscordRuleTriggerType
Characterizes the type of content which can trigger a rule.
- DiscordScheduledGuildEventPrivacyLevel
Privacy level for a DiscordScheduledGuildEvent.
- DiscordScheduledGuildEventStatus
Represents the status of a DiscordScheduledGuildEvent.
- DiscordScheduledGuildEventType
Declares the type of a DiscordScheduledGuildEvent.
- DiscordStagePrivacyLevel
Represents a stage instance's privacy level.
- DiscordStockKeepingUnitFlags
Represent additional information about the SKU
- DiscordStockKeepingUnitType
For subscriptions, SKUs will have a type of either
represented bytype: 5
represented bytype:6
For any current implementations, you will want to use the SKU defined bytype: 5
. ASubscriptionGroup
is automatically created for eachSubscription
SKU and are not used at this time.
- DiscordSystemChannelFlags
Represents settings for a guild's system channel.
- DiscordTeamMembershipStatus
Signifies the status of user's team membership.
- DiscordTestEntitlementOwnerType
Defines what type of owner the test entitlement should have
- DiscordTextInputStyle
The style for a DiscordTextInputComponent
- DiscordUserFlags
Represents additional details of a users account.
- DiscordUserStatus
Represents user status.
- DiscordVerificationLevel
Represents guild verification level.
- DiscordVideoQualityMode
Represents the video quality mode of a voice channel. This is applicable to voice channels only.
- DiscordWidgetType
Represents the formats for a guild widget.