Table of Contents

Enum DiscordMessageFlags


Represents additional features of a message.

public enum DiscordMessageFlags
Extension Methods


Indicates that the message contains a link (usually to a file) that will prompt the user with a precautionary message saying that the link may be unsafe.

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).

Crossposted = 1

Whether this message is the original message that was published from a news channel to subscriber channels.

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).

Ephemeral = 64

The message is only visible to the user who invoked the interaction.

FailedToMentionSomeRolesInThread = 256

Indicates that some roles mentioned in the message could not be added to the current thread.

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).

IsCrosspost = 2

Whether this message is crossposted (automatically posted in a subscriber channel).

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).

Loading = 128

The message is an interaction response and the bot is "thinking".

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).

SourceMessageDeleted = 8

The source message for this crosspost has been deleted.

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).

SuppressNotifications = 4096

Indicates that this message will supress push notifications. Mentions in the message will still have a mention indicator, however.

SuppressedEmbeds = 4

Whether any embeds in the message are hidden.

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).

Urgent = 16

The message came from the urgent message system.

This flag is inbound only (it cannot be set).