Table of Contents

Enum DiscordUserFlags


Represents additional details of a users account.

public enum DiscordUserFlags
Extension Methods


ActiveDeveloper = 4194304

The user is an active bot developer.

BugHunterLevelOne = 8

The user reached the first bug hunter tier.

BugHunterLevelTwo = 16384

The user reached the second bug hunter tier.

DiscordCertifiedModerator = 262144

The user is a discord certified moderator.

DiscordEmployee = 1

The user is a Discord employee.

DiscordPartner = 2

The user is a Discord partner.

EarlySupporter = 512

The user has the early supporter badge.

HouseBalance = 256

The user is a member of house balance.

HouseBravery = 64

The user is a member of house bravery.

HouseBrilliance = 128

The user is a member of house brilliance.

HttpInteractionsBot = 524288

The bot receives interactions via HTTP.

HypeSquadEvents = 4

The user has the HypeSquad badge.

None = 0

The user has no flags.

System = 4096

Whether the user is an official system user.

TeamUser = 1024

Whether the user is apart of a Discord developer team.

VerifiedBot = 65536

The user is a verified bot.

VerifiedBotDeveloper = 131072

The user is a verified bot developer.