Class DiscordMember
- Namespace
- DSharpPlus.Entities
- Assembly
- DSharpPlus.dll
Represents a Discord guild member.
public class DiscordMember : DiscordUser
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- AvatarHash
Gets the member's avatar hash.
- BannerColor
The color of this member's banner. Mutually exclusive with BannerHash.
- BannerHash
Gets the member's banner hash.
- Color
Gets the color associated with this user's top color-giving role, otherwise 0 (no color).
- CommunicationDisabledUntil
How long this member's communication will be suppressed for.
- Discriminator
Gets the member's 4-digit discriminator.
- DisplayAvatarHash
Gets the member's avatar hash as displayed in the current guild.
- DisplayAvatarUrl
Gets the member's avatar url as displayed in the current guild.
- DisplayName
Gets this member's display name.
Gets the member's email address.
This is only present in OAuth.
- Flags
Gets the member's flags for OAuth.
- GlobalName
Gets the member's global display name.
- Guild
Gets the guild of which this member is a part of.
- GuildAvatarHash
Gets the member's avatar for the current guild.
- GuildAvatarUrl
Gets the members avatar url for the current guild.
- Hierarchy
Gets the member's position in the role hierarchy, which is the member's highest role's position. Returns int.MaxValue for the guild's owner.
- IsBot
Gets whether the member is a bot.
- IsDeafened
If the user is deafened
- IsMuted
If the user is muted
- IsOwner
Gets whether this member is the Guild owner.
- IsPending
If the user has passed the guild's Membership Screening requirements
- IsTimedOut
Gets whether or not the member is timed out.
- JoinedAt
Date the user joined the guild
- Locale
Gets the member's chosen language
- MemberFlags
Gets the member's guild flags.
- MfaEnabled
Gets whether the member has multi-factor authentication enabled.
- Nickname
Gets this member's nickname.
- OAuthFlags
Gets the user's flags.
- Permissions
Gets the permissions for the current member.
- PremiumSince
Date the user started boosting this server
- Roles
Gets the list of roles associated with this member.
- Username
Gets this member's username.
- Verified
Gets whether the member is verified.
This is only present in OAuth.
- VoiceState
Gets this member's voice state.
- BanAsync(TimeSpan, string)
Bans a this member from their guild.
- Equals(DiscordMember?)
Checks whether this DiscordMember is equal to another DiscordMember.
- Equals(object?)
Checks whether this DiscordMember is equal to another object.
- GetGuildAvatarUrl(MediaFormat, ushort)
Constructs the url for a guild member's avatar, defaulting to the user's avatar if none is set.
- GetHashCode()
Gets the hash code for this DiscordMember.
- GrantRoleAsync(DiscordRole, string)
Grants a role to the member.
- ModifyAsync(Action<MemberEditModel>)
Modifies this member.
- PermissionsIn(DiscordChannel)
Calculates permissions in a given channel for this member.
- PlaceInAsync(DiscordChannel)
Moves this member to the specified voice channel
- RemoveAsync(string)
Kicks this member from their guild.
- ReplaceRolesAsync(IEnumerable<DiscordRole>, string)
Sets the member's roles to ones specified.
- RevokeRoleAsync(DiscordRole, string)
Revokes a role from a member.
- SetDeafAsync(bool, string)
Sets this member's voice deaf status.
- SetMuteAsync(bool, string)
Sets this member's voice mute status.
- TimeoutAsync(DateTimeOffset?, string)
Times-out a member and restricts their ability to send messages, add reactions, speak in threads, and join voice channels.
- ToString()
Returns a string representation of this member.
- UpdateVoiceStateAsync(DiscordChannel, bool?)
Updates the member's suppress state in a stage channel.
- operator ==(DiscordMember, DiscordMember)
Gets whether the two DiscordMember objects are equal.
- operator !=(DiscordMember, DiscordMember)
Gets whether the two DiscordMember objects are not equal.